Thursday 24 February 2011

Augmented Reality: Coming soon to an Iphone near you!

And its not just iphones. Augmented reality for those of you who don’t know, AR for short, is a term for a live direct or indirect view of real-world environment, whose elements have been augmented by a computer- generated sensory input. Sounds complicated? Well basically through the use of this technology, the information about the surrounding real world of the user becomes digitally manipulability and interactive.

As I mention time and time again technology is advancing, as consumers we are always searching for the next new thing. So last week I spoke to you about interactivity, well this is essentially taking it to the next level. So whereas augmented reality once meant sitting at your computer with funny looking goggles on, thanks to ARToolworks, and the latest high speed cameras and powerful processors on mobile phones, augmented reality is now nearly within the reach of your mobile. Previously used to enable users to physically manipulate 3D objects displayed on their monitors, the new AR applications integrate live video with computer generated 3D models enabling virtual content to be overlaid on the real world. Understand? Lets take a look.

Still don't get it? Watch the video.

ARToolworks has developed software for the iphone, which can superimpose 3D objects into real-time videos. By moving the iphone it sends signal to the software and in turn moves the virtual imagery. Although currently very basic the company hopes to be able to make it more sophisticated. Just imagine the possibilities! By having augmented reality on your iphone essentially you will be able to interact with products, it could be like walking down the street seeing a billboard advertisement and being able to hold up your phone and interact.

Mini using Augmented Reality in their Advertising.

At the moment augmented reality is kind of a novelty, it seems so exciting and nifty, but I predict that once the excitement has worn off there is not much to sustain any real engagement. I’m not an avid computer game fanatic myself, far from it, however I believe the biggest potential for this software would be within this industry. I think its clever how some brands have used augmented reality within their advertising I just don’t believe it creates any desire. But then everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. I may even change mine if it does take off.

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