Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Scan Me Baby

The big question:

What do consumers want?

Immediate access to what’s relevant. That what.
And with QR codes its being made possible.

So what are QR codes?

Quick Response codes, QR codes for short are similar to that bar code used at point of sales, however the key difference is the sheer amount of information that they can hold. You can scan QR codes using iPhones, Androids, or other smart-phones, which can then link you to digital content on the web, activate phone functions, such as email and sms, and also connect the mobile device to a web browser.
Its becoming increasingly easier to make your own QR code through generator sites, the one which has worked best for me is this as it even allows you to personalise the colour as well as the format of your code;

My code for my blog: Scan Me Baby!!

Usages of QR codes are now being adopted into social media, with it revolving around sharing and community.  There is no limit to what you can share; so going further than images and videos, it is even possible to share an entire e-book (which would make my lecture reading so much simpler). With facebook being one of the worlds biggest online communities, its undoubtedly obvious that they would even have QR codes that can link your mobile device to a ‘LIKE’ button for your page

QR codes can be used;
  • ·      On your business card
  • ·      Product Tags
  • ·      Restaurant Tags
  • ·      Event ticket stubs

With QR codes there is opportunities for advertising and could well be used within the research stages, as it is possible to link them to customer feedback forms. As mobile technology advances, the potential for QR codes is becoming limitless. With the next generation of phones barcodes are expected to hold even more information that an Internet connection wont even be necessary. It’s amazing to think were this can go and the opportunities that may arise. I for one am excited.

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